Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Growing Boy

About 2 weeks (just days after his 6 month update) Sawyer started saying "dada." I didn't know if I should count it as his first word or not since he wasn't really associating it with Willie yet, and it was more like, "dadadada (tooting sound) dadadada (tooting sound)." But that night he gave us 1 clear "dada" and has been doing it ever since. Willie is very pleased :)

Then a week ago a little tooth popped up on the bottom, and a few days ago another broke free! Needless to say, he's been sucking vigorously on anything he can get a hold of...he especially likes his sucker turned sideways...I guess it feels good on his gums. He also likes to attack my face when his gums hurt and clamp his mouth down on my jaw or cheek bone while he simultaneously rips my hair out or pulls an earring off. He's a strong little boy...we call those "rough kisses." They're a little too rough :)

So far the whole tooth thing hasn't thrown him off too much in the sleeping department...I mean, he does get a little crabby at times until he gets donkey's arm to suck on or something else, but as far as nights go, he's been an all night sleeper for about a month now. As long as he has his sucker and Don Quixote, he's happy to be set in his crib, where he then immediately rolls to his side, pushes his music box button and drifts away for 9-10 hours. I am very pleased and thankful! :)

Latest stats...19 pounds, 75th percentile for height and weight.

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